Waste Management & Recycling

It is a Holm Global Ltd. company policy to ensure a high level of commitment to good environmental policies throughout our business activities.

It is our full intention to develop this policy by minimising the production of waste, through improving purchasing practice and reducing packaging materials used throughout the business. We will also reuse and recycle materials whenever practical to do so.

To help ensure we give proper consideration to our environmental and waste management responsibilities, and to assist in the minimisation of waste and the recycling of materials wherever practical, systems and procedures will be implemented to encourage the recycling of materials with a view to minimising the overall levels of waste we produce. All staff are expected to abide by the following procedures and co-operate with management in the execution of this policy.


Specific Aims

As part of our company commitment to help protect the environment and reducing waste levels, we have introduced the following specific aims;

  • Cultivate a work environment where there is a high level of awareness of waste management, waste minimisation and a genuine desire to recycle and reuse materials when practical.
  • Promote a sense of responsibility in the use of both office materials and warehousing material, and in particular paper.
  • Implement the use of recycled/reclaimed packaging materials; Completely remove from our distribution function the use of single-use plastic and replace with recycled card materials.
  • Minimise waste by encouraging the exchange and reuse of equipment and materials amongst departments including the warehousing operation.
  • Encourage employees in our offices and warehouse to promote and establish recycling schemes that are applicable to their individual activities.
  • Favour suppliers who actively operate according to sound environmental principles.
  • Implement a company wide ban on the use of single use plastic water bottles. A reusable alternative is provided by the company.


We will continue to develop this company policy further and continue to work to further reduce our environmental impact by cutting waste and recycling wherever possible.