Are Holm Filters the same as genuine?

22nd August 2024 Holm Truths

To find out, we compared two transmission filters: a JCB version with a Holm equivalent. 

Two products that are the same – all the sizes are the same, same fitting and fit all the same machines.

The outsides look very similar. The JCB one is yellow obviously, and the Holm one is in typical Holm white livery. The can shapes looked identical.

We chopped them apart to look at what's inside because it's what's inside that counts.


In these transmission filters, there were three components: 

  • The metal cans
  • A spring, which keeps the pressure
  • The filter with a valve on top
  • And the lid


Comparing the two:

  • Metal cans - pretty much the same, just a different colour
  • The springs looked identical
  • The filter is absolutely the same thing, same markings, same media
  • And the lid – identical.


So, there we have it.

We have a Holm branded one and we have a JCB branded one - the exact same product.


Check out one of our previous articles below for further information:

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